Thankful for the gift. Each and every day

Monday, January 11, 2010

2 miles (minimal pain!!!!)

Wow... I never thought I would be so happy to get in a 2 mile run! Considering the circumstances.... I am head over heels pumped up about it. I was weary about trying the 1 mile run... but my doctor said he insisted I try it this week and go from there... I started out at a very very very easy pace... close to 9 min pace I am guessing... (I am not joking). After about 1/2 mile I picked it up to more of a normal distance run pace (around 7min/mile pace)... and I held that pace past 1 mile (which I was suppose to stop at).... I didn't feel any pain at all... A little tightness but not that sharp pain that would make me come to a stop in fear of a rupture. It was unbelievable. The Grasdon Technique must be working... The pool running is loosening things up and the 2 week of rest must of done it in. I can't get too excited... it was 2 miles at a leisure pace... But its a start!!! I got in the pool and planned on 1 hour but there was an unscheduled deep water aerobics class that took the aqua jogging area of the pool and I got kicked out at 21 minutes in...I was pissed but still really happy about the short run result I had. Tomorrow I will go 2 again and get to the pool earlier for my 1 hour pool run... Tomorrow is also the 16 station circuit during my lunch break... Every tuesday and thursday I have been doing this circuit from hell that myself and one of the other Phys. Ed teachers at my school does with me. It includes practically every type of core/stability/upper body muscular endurance exercises that you could think of.
1 minute "ON" 20 second recovery.
Pull ups/Flexed arm hang after you cannot do any more
Lemon Squeezes
Push ups
Abdominal Knee Raises
Shoulder Shrugs
Plank Hold
- Rest station-
Cardio Rower (For 2 minutes hard)
Bicep curls
Millitary Press (dumbells)
Pick-Pockets (w/ 7 lbs med ball)
THROW UP and hate kids for the remainder of the day


  1. Congrats, brother! You're definitely getting there!

  2. That's a solid strength & conditioning routine. I may have to cherry-pick some of those for my own use.
