Thankful for the gift. Each and every day

Monday, August 2, 2010

Uncharted Territory + a Dance Party = Sore legs

Saturday: (22 miles) w/ progression from miles 10 to 20.
I met 15+ GRCers as well as a few visiting harriers for a long run from the store onto the towpath. The plan was to go out 5 miles, turn around and come back... then repeat one more time. It sounds boring but it was very nice to be able to stay on the natural terrain as well as have water in the opening miles at a frequent rate. I felt very hungry just 20 minutes in (which is not usually a good sign). I luckily brought two gels and took one 30 minutes in. I got some odd looks as to why I was already trying to replenish glycogen this early in the run... After all i still have about 1 hour and 50 minutes of running still to go. I took the gel and within 5 minutes I felt replenished and good to go. We hit ten miles in 1:08.30. I grabbed my water bottle with my GU electrolyte mix and headed out for round 2. almost immediately the pace picked up substantially... A little too fast to be honest. We were hitting between 5:20 and 5:30 right off the bat. About 4 miles in we decided to tone it down a bit... as we did not want to ruin this nice run we had going. Dickson and I worked together throughout the remainder of the run. We still came in for our second 10 mile out and back in 56:45. It felt good. Dickson decided to tack on two more miles... I knew this would be a nice addition to my week so i tagged along and got my longest run ever in my running career.

After vegging out for the remainder of saturday and going to one of the best BBQ restaurants I have ever been to in my entire life with Jessica, I trekked out to South Arlington for "One More Time part trois" or commonly known as "1MT3". I was told an Air Conditioner was to be repaired... I apparently look like an AC technician so I was called upon for the job... After arriving, I was notified that the AC was already repaired... so instead I helped install black lights in various light fixtures as well as going out with Red fox to pick up Ice for the party and Chicken out for myself, Fox and DJ Snizzow. The party started out slow but just before 11 the fireworks came with a bang and the dance party was officially ON. Without a care in the world I danced and had a blast! After an inverted hydration session (for 4 seconds...), I officially called it a night.
PM cross training: (1 hour of dancing = 4 miles of running)

Sunday: (12miles). I went with Jessica to her sunday morning run with the Ladies in Red at Fletchers boathouse. I was amazed to find the rumors true that it is not just ladies on this team. I had a good time running an easier effort in the opening miles. I went out with the group onto the rock creek trail and turned around at the water fountain at the Zoo. From there I came back and extended my run down under the Whitehurst freeway and onto the capital crescent trail. I felt a lot better in the second half of this run for sure. After the run I went out to lunch with Jessica, two of her CAR teammates (erica and cheryl) as well as capital area runners founder and coach George Buckheit. I have been talking to George in recent weeks about possibly coaching me in the future. He has a very nice coaching resume and has experienced much success in his own running. He knows how to get a runners to reach their potential. I am hoping that some of my teammates at GRC would like to jump on this and see if we can make this work... George has offered to meet up with any GRCers interested in talking training and he would even come out to BCC for wednesday workouts.

Monday: 10 miles.
I ran a very easy and relaxed 10 miles this morning. I felt good until about 55 minutes into the run. My left plantar was starting to become sore. I am not crazy over the Brooks Ghosts 3... they seem wide for my foot and I put in 54 miles in 4 days on them... So i am going to continue massaging and icing it... It does not hurt at all at work right now (esp after massaging w/ golf ball). If it continues to bother me, I will be discontinuing my use of the Brooks Ghosts 3.

Tuesday: 10.5 miles
I ran an easy/med 10+ with Chris Sloane on the Cabin John Trails. My plantar felt much better which was a good sign... I seriously think I may have tweaked it on my 22 miler on saturday and sundays 12 miler may have not gave it enough time to rest. I ran early yesterday and late today... plus with much icing and massage, it seems to be better.

Wednesday: WORKOUT WEDNESDAY! 11 miles total
5 mile at marathon pace.
I joined several GRCers for a tempo on the CCT. We warmed up from BCC over to the Capital Crescent Trail. After about 3 miles of warm up, we were ready to jump into the workout. It was BLAZING HOT and the humidity was super thick. We started out conservative (Karl and I) and worked together through the entire workout. We finished in 27:11 for the 5mile tempo which was a nice pace considering the terrible conditions.

Thursday: Recovery day (5 miles easy)
Took a camp field trip to Six Flags America today so i decided today would be my recovery day. I ran an easy 5 this am before the trip.

Friday: 9 miles
Ran an easy/med 9 around Tilden park and up old georgetown and turned it back around... I felt good today.

Saturday: 12 miles
Ran from the GRC in chevy chase with a crew of GRCers. We ran a relaxed run through Rock creek and finished up on the CCT.


  1. I never tried on the Ghost 2, but it sounds like the Ghost 3 is wider. The one thing about Brooks is that their shoes also don't have much of an arch in them. Do you have a high arch? Sometimes when you have a high arch-and the shoe is more flat-it can collapse and thus get some plantar discomfort because it stretches out in the shoe. I did try on the Ghost 3 and thought it had an ok arch though-so it may just be too wide for your foot. I tend to like an arch in the shoe since mine is pretty prominent-also why I like Mizuno.

  2. Air on the side of caution and stay healthy.
