Thankful for the gift. Each and every day

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Working to become a true distance runner

In the past, I have always hesitated when telling a non-runner that I am a "Distance Runner".  Through my high school and college days, i always referred to myself as a middle-distance runner when chatting with a knowledgable runner.  However, if you start going around telling a person who knows nothing about the sport that you run middle-distance, that opens a whole new explanation.  However, looking over my upcoming mileage/workouts as well as the gradual increase in volume over the last 5 months, I can feel at ease calling myself a true distance runner. 
    Last night, i ran the longest workout I have ever done on the track.  Coach Jerry had me hit 6 x 2000 with 2 and half minute rest.  He had the reps broken up into 3 sets of 2.  Starting at 6:15(75's), going to 6:10(74's) and the final 2 reps at 6:05(73's).  I took the long metro out to Braddock Road in Northern VA and got a ride from Samantha Kirby to the Wakefield h.s track.  Just a few miles up the road stands TC. Williams high school.  Home of the Titans.  I have always loved that movie and was always inspired by the story.  I thought to myself that it is pretty cool that I am going to workout on the oval that surrounds the field that the titans played on en route to their championship run in the playoffs years prior.   With not being able to workout tomorrow night again, It works out real well coming out here with lots of people present on the track + under the lights.  Jerry Outlaw and Dave Burnham were kind enough to come out (it is practically in their backyard) to jump in with me.  
    After a 3 mile warm up, we laced up the flats and jumped out on the track.  We hit our first 2 reps in 6:15 and 6:14.  I did not feel dialed in at the start... I have noticed when i start around that 75 or slower, it feels awkward... I don't even think it is the fact that it is a slower pace, i just feel wobbly.  However, the next two intervals felt more comfortable.  We hit 6:05's dead on.  the three of us would take turns leading by switching at 1k.  It was a very good team effort and it is always motivating to have guys to run with, esp. when you are turning a total of 30 laps!  the final set we got out after.  I led their first 1200 of the final two reps.  We were coming out hitting 72 points and all feeling strong.  We hit 6:04 and the last rep we came through in 6:02.  We ended the night with another 3 miles and 14.5 miles total. 
   I am going to run a low-key 10k on haines point with the team.  I am excited to get into a race effort with the team again, especially with some of our guys who are coming back into form.  Watch out for the GRC in months to come!!!

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