Thankful for the gift. Each and every day

Saturday, April 17, 2010

60 miles for the week. and glad to be back to normal

Sunday: 8 miles. Ran 4 miles out on the Trolley Trail and back. Heat of day... felt ok.

Monday: 10 miles. Met up at "the spot" with Karl and ran up the Trolley Trail and back down. I added on a bit on the way back to my place. Felt ok.

Tuesday: 6 miles at 5:15am before school. I felt tired and my lungs (with the residual effects of being sick) were struggling that early in the morning.... but I got the run in. I was planning on 8 miles but i had a bathroom issue... what a shocker

Wednesday: 8 miles. Firebirds mile @ Gaithersburg h.s.
Warm up: 3 miles.
1 mile race: controlled effort with Karl Dusen as the pace-setter through in 2:09-2:10. Myself, Jake Klim and Chuck Kacsur followed. Came through around 3:17 for 1200 and finished off with a 4:23. Jake and I came back 8-10 mins later to go after a 2 mile at 10 minutes... needless to say, it wasn't as easy as we thought it would be. Next year... I want to run a workout prior... example... 3 mile tempo... and then time it so we have 5 minutes and we jump on the track and try attacking a hard mile.

Thursday: 10 miles. Cabin John regional park trails with Karl.
I think i have found Bethesda's form of heaven! I love these trails and plan to run them minimum twice a week... hopefully 3-4 times/week.

Friday: 8 miles. Cabin John regional park trails.
I apparently did not get enough from the 10 miles yesterday.... I went out and back on the trail. I felt good minus the dusty conditions on the trail and the pollen that was blinding my vision.

Saturday: 10 miles. Georgetown RC run (workout from the store on towpath)
5 x 1mile w/ 2 minute jog recovery.
5:09 (had a lapse)
Klim, Karl, Dave Burnham, and Dylan "Dwayne" Keith all partaked in the workout. Klim, Karl and I stayed together for the first 3. Karl ran a nice first workout back closing off after 3 intervals. on the fourth interval, Jake dropped my bad in the last 500 meters or so. I was able to rebound (going to the well to do so) on the fifth and final interval to close the workout off in 4:49. It didn't feel good at the time.... but I am really happy i stuck it out.

Next race: Pikes Peek 10k: Next Sunday!

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