Thankful for the gift. Each and every day

Friday, October 29, 2010

10/29/10: 9 mile run from Chevy chase Store.

I met up at the Chevy Chase store last night for a run plus the Brooks night event.  We ran in the dark from the store down the dark CCT.  Thank you to Cotterell who had his head lamp, we were able to navigate down the CCT to the D.C line and back.  Once we got back, Sam and I added on a bit more to get an even 9 for the evening.  I felt good but my left calf was tight near the end of the run.  This is the same leg that I have had issues with my achilles.  I need to make sure I am stretching and massaging the area consistently to eliminate any issues. 
   Tonight I will get in around 9-10 miles, tomorrow will be an easy 8 miles and sunday I will race the Gobblin Gallop as my fitness indicator race.  No expectations, just get out and race. 

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